September in Munich spells Oktoberfest!

We are traveling through Germany.  Now winding our way  back to Northwest Germany to meet up with the cats we are going to care for while their people vacation.  We went to Munich in September, and wouldn’t you know it, it’s Oktoberfest. Explains why our hotel was sooo expensive.  In Germany Octoberfest is called “weisn” which means meadow.  It became a tradition after a grand wedding of a son of the king when they had a grand party in a field.  Oktoberfest lasts 3 weeks in Munich and most of that time is in September.

Delivery of the kegs

I’m glad we were here; it’s a bucket list thing, and probably not something we will want to do every year.  Think frat party on steroids, with costumes.  Each of the 6 big breweries sponsors a tent. There were way more than 6 tents, I never got to the bottom of that.  The tents are buildings about the size of Bing Crosby Hall at the Del Mar Fairgrounds.  Bing Crosby Hall is a good comparison because outside the tent is a carnival like setting with the same rides, games and food stands.  As loud as a carnival is, as soon as you walk inside your ears are assaulted by the noise of revelers.  Every tent has bands and people sing along.  Beer is sold in 1 liter steins. No other way could the waitresses keep everyone supplied.  I suspect a litter stein with beer weighs about 8 pounds.  Waitresses carried 6 in each hand, through crowds.  It is a feat of strength.

Oktoberfest 2019, Opening Day

Rhine River Cruise, Ferry Style

After Oktoberfest we were in for some peace and quiet. We spent 4 nights along the middle Rhine river.  Middle Rhine River has 2 attractions: medieval castles and wineries. We spent the 4 days traveling the river, ferry style. When we saw something we wanted to explore further (i.e. wine taste), we got off the ferry and jumped on the next one. We scrambled over castle ruins and climbed through wineries. The hills are super steep. How people work those vines is a riddle. They are on slopes greater than 45 degrees. Having no car, we really worked for that wine, the tasting was always at the top. Wine is better with an awesome view, that is a fact. We looked out over the hill we just climbed, covered with grape vines ready to be harvested, and down to the river, at least one castle in view.

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